
Lessons Unlearned: The Legal and Policy Legacy of the BP Deepwater Horizon Spill

There is a great article in the Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment about lessons unlearned from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  Checkout the article by Mark Davis about the


Joe Mayo Selected to Present at RIMS 2015

Joe Mayo was selected by the Risk Management Society (RIMS) to deliver a presentation at their ...

Jack Jones Writes Forward for Cultural Calamity

A BIG THANKS to Jack Jones for writing the forward for my new book Cultural Calamity: Culture Driven Risk Management Disasters and How to Avoid Them.  

One of the most important factors in successful risk management is organizational culture.  Unfortunately, few organizations


Risk Policy and Governance

Effective risk management must include a strategic element as well as an operational element.  The strategic element includes, among other things, effective governance based on a comprehensive risk policy that provides specific guidance about the organization's risk appetite


Awesome GRC Conference!

I just finished the 2017 Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) conference in Dallas,
