Joseph Mayo was selected by the American Council for Technology (ACT) - Industry Advisory Council (IAC) to provide risk management training for the ACT - IAC Academy.  The ACT-IAC Academy is one component of the professional development offerings for federal government employees and the private sector.  The Academy strives to create a unique learning environment for professionals serving the federal IT marketplace.  The Academy distinguishes itself through its emphasis on the collaboration, experiential learning, and sharing of real world examples among government and industry to complement the key course takeaways. 

 Currently, Academy courses fall into three categories:  leadership, best practices and project management.  Case studies and exercises will stimulate discussion among the government and industry attendees and will promote the seamless transfer of learning from the classroom to the work environment.  All courses will be offered for credit and will be linked to government professional development guidance.

The American Council for Technology (ACT) was created as a 501(c)3 non-profit educational association to provide a forum where government executives could exchange information and collaborate on IT issues.  The creation of this national organization was supported by officials from the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration.  In 1989, the Industry Advisory Council was created by ACT to provide an objective and vendor-neutral forum where government and industry could collaborate with the private sector IT industry.

Joseph Mayo Selected by ACT - IAC Academy to Provide Risk Management Training Joe Mayo
 disciplined small

Risk Philosophy

My personal risk philosophy is, keep it simple, be sensitive to your surroundings so you can quickly adapt to the changing environment, stay focused on the most important objectives and most importantly follow a disciplined approach and don't get distracted by all the noise in the environment.

About the JWMC Logo

After publishing my first book,Chaos to Clarity, I stumbled upon an article that described the ancient rune Jera (pronounced Year . Ra). The runic alphabet emerged sometime between the 1st century BCE and the 2nd century. The runic alphabet known as Elder Futhark consists of 24 runes one of which is Jera. I noticed an interesting relationship between the description of Jera and two important risk management principles; stay focused and practice a disciplined approach.

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JWMC Capabilities

J. W. Mayo Consulting (JWMC) is a SBA certified veteran owned small business (VOSB) specializing in risk management, project management and capture management services. 

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