Joseph Mayo was selected by the American Council for Technology (ACT) - Industry Advisory Council (IAC) to provide risk management training for the ACT - IAC Academy. The ACT-IAC Academy is one component of the professional development offerings for federal government employees and the private sector. The Academy strives to create a unique learning environment for professionals serving the federal IT marketplace. The Academy distinguishes itself through its emphasis on the collaboration, experiential learning, and sharing of real world examples among government and industry to complement the key course takeaways.
The American Council for Technology (ACT) was created as a 501(c)3 non-profit educational association to provide a forum where government executives could exchange information and collaborate on IT issues. The creation of this national organization was supported by officials from the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration. In 1989, the Industry Advisory Council was created by ACT to provide an objective and vendor-neutral forum where government and industry could collaborate with the private sector IT industry.